At the end of 2019, the European Commission asked the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) to assess the risk posed by the presence of bisphenol A (BPA, CAS No. 80-05-7) in clothing. This request followed the detection of BPA in women's tights and socks intended for infants and young children in studies conducted in 2017 and 2018.

在2019年底,欧盟委员会要求消费者安全科学委员会(SCCS)评估服饰制品中双酚A(双酚A,CAS 编号80-05-7)所带来的风险。此前,在2017年和2018年进行的研究中,在女性紧身衣和婴幼儿袜子中均检测出双酚A。

At the end of October 2020, the SCCS published its provisional opinion on the risks associated with the presence of BPA in clothing. It concludes that exposure to BPA among consumers due to the wearing of textile articles is low and considered to be without risk of adverse effects , regardless of the age group (child/adult). As a precautionary measure, a maximum concentration limit of 145 mg/kg in textiles will ensure consumer protection.

消费者安全科学委员会(SCCS)于2020年10月底发布了服装中双酚A相关风险的暂定意见。结论是:不分年龄组(儿童/成人),由于穿着纺织品而使消费者接触双酚A的比例很低,不会产生有害影响。作为预防措施,纺织品中的最高浓度限值设定为145 mg/kg能确保消费者健康。

This opinion is currently under public consultation until December 7, 2020.


The conclusions of the Scientific Committee will enable the European Commission to determine whether a regulatory change targeting BPA in textile articles is necessary.


Remember that BPA is not intentionally used in the manufacture of textile articles. It is mainly used in the production of polycarbonate, epoxy resin, polyvinyl chloride and thermal paper. BPA is asubstance of very high concern (SVHC) on the Candidate List of the REACh regulation. It is restricted in thermal papers to entry 66 of Annex XVII of REACh, but is not currently restricted in fashion items. Due to its allergenicity (H317 hazard statement according to the European Hazardous Substances Regulation), BPA is within the scope of the draft articles on the limitation of skin allergens in products, with a proposed threshold of 130 mg/kg in textiles (ECHA 2019). It is close to the concentration recommended in SCCS report.

请注意,双酚A并非主要应用于纺织品制造。它主要用于生产聚碳酸酯,环氧树脂,聚氯乙烯和热敏纸。双酚A是REACh法规候选清单中的高度关注物质(SVHC)。热敏纸中的双酚A 受REACH法规附件十七中第66条监管,但目前不适用于时尚产品。由于其致敏性(根据欧洲有害物质条例H317危险说明),双酚A属于物品对皮肤敏感物质的限制草案范围,纺织品的建议阈值为130 mg/kg (ECHA 2019),与消费者安全科学委员会(SCCS)报告中建议的浓度相接近。


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