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Appliance Wiring Material - Component

The materials covered under this category are incomplete in certain constructional features or    restricted in performance capabilities and are intended for use as components of complete equipment submitted for investigation rather than for direct separate installation in the field. THE FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPONENT IS DEPENDENT UPON ITS USE IN EQUIPMENT SUBMITTED TO UL.


This category covers appliance wiring material (AWM) that has been tested in accordance with the established procedures to define certain properties in order to facilitate the investigation of its use in end-product equipment.

The wire/cable includes single- and multi-conductor constructions of a wide range of conductor sizes, insulation thickness, and materials. "Hook-up wire" and "lead wire" is covered under this category but not described as such. Wire is generally intended for the specific application as indicated on the tag, reel or    smallest unit container. The voltage rating does not apply to voltage between conductors in a parallel or    flat construction.

A construction in any of the sections may include a jacket. Specialty wire and/or    cable is intended for a specific application as defined for that construction.


A style page is used to describe the construction of each style number. The style page includes information such as temperature and voltage rating, conductor size and material, insulation material and thickness, jacket material and thickness (if provided), a desc ription of any shields or    coverings, the required markings, and the use statement. This information is used to determine the suitability of the particular wire construction for use in the particular application. A facing page may be used to modify the requirements on a style page or    provide information in addition to what is on the style page. The facing page is proprietary for each manufacturer.


All AWM has a minimum flame rating as defined on the style page. AWM may be additionally investigated to one of the following international flame tests:

IEC 60332-1-1, "Tests on Electric and Optical Fibre Cables Under Fire Conditions - Part 1-1: Test for Vertical Flame Propagation for a Single Insulated Wire or    Cable Apparatus"

IEC 60332-2-2, "Tests on Electric and Optical Fibre Cables Under Fire Conditions - Part 2-2: Test for Vertical Flame Propagation for a Single Small Insulated Wire or    Cable - Procedure for Diffusion Flame"

IEC TS 60695-11-21, "Fire Hazard Testing - Part 11-21: Test Flames - 500 W Vertical Flame Test Method for Tubular Polymeric Materials"


Products Recognized under UL's Component Recognition Program are identified by markings on the attached tag, reel, or    smallest unit container. The marking consists of:

A. Wire/cable designation: AWM.

B. Maximum temperature and voltage ratings.

C. Recognized company name, trade name, other applicable mark or    file number. When a Recognized company produces AWM in more than one location, an additional distinctive marking is provided that identifies the specific manufacturing location of the AWM.

D. Size and quantity of conductors. The quantity and "AWG" or    metric size in mm2 of the conductors in wire or    cable is provided, except for single conductor cable. For cable containing a mixture of sizes of individual or    paired conductors, the size and quantity of each size conductor is provided (example: 2/18 AWG and 4/24 AWG).

E. Conductor material.

Exception: Conductor material marking is not required for unalloyed copper.

F. The conductivity of the conductor in percent of unalloyed copper. Reference IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard).

Exception: Not applicable for unalloyed copper or    61% IACS aluminum.

G. Insulation and jacket material and average wall thickness (example: Insulation SRPVC 0.009 inch; Jacket: PVC 0.030 inch).

H. Use statement.

I. Date of manufacture by month and year. As an option, the date code may be printed on the cable in lieu of on the tag.

J. For cable that contains one or    more optical fibers, the following statement or    equivalent: "Optical-fiber portion(s) of cable are for installation as described in Article 770 and other applicable parts of ANSI/NFPA 70, "National Electrical Code." Where optical fiber is installed in a laser system, the system shall comply with the LIA/ANSI Z136 laser system safety standards."

K. For cable that contains one or    more optical fiber members, or    group of such members, having a me tal or    other electrically conductive part, the following statement or    equivalent: "Optical-fiber portion(s) of cable contains non-current-carrying me tal or    other electrically conductive parts."

L. For cable that contains a conductive polymeric shield, the following wording or    equivalent is included on the tag: "Conductive shield" or    "Contains Polymeric Conductive Shield."

M. For cable with mixed voltage rating, the voltage rating of each conductor is provided.

N. For cable that employs stranded conductors with tin overcoating, the following statement or    equivalent shall be included on the tag: "Stranded conductor with tin overcoating."

O. When the direction of lay of single-bunch, bunch-stranded conductors, and lay of the outermost layer in the other stranded conductors is right-hand, the direction of lay shall be indicated on the tag.

P. For cable employing a composite conductor consisting of a central steel strand surrounded by six copper strands, the following statement or    equivalent shall be included on the tag: "Stranded copper with steel core, for use only in electronic equipment in dry locations where not subject to flexing and where not terminated with wire nut connectors."

Q. Cable where it has been determined that all of the combustible materials used in the construction (e.g., insulation, fillers, jackets) are halogen-free in accordance with UL 2885, "Outline of Investigation for Acid Gas, Acidity and Conductivity of Combusted Materials and Assessment of Halogens," may be surface marked with the suffix "-HF."

R. Cable that may be surface printed with the suffix "-HF" and that also complies with the requirements for low smoke when tested in accordance with IEC 61034-2, "Measurement of Smoke Density of Cables Burning Under Defined Conditions - Part 2: Test Procedure and Requirements," may be surface marked with the suffix "-LSHF."

Additional marking may be required as described in each Recognized company's file. Wire that complies with the requirements of the VW-1 flame test or    one of the international flame tests indicated under FLAME RATINGS above is so marked.


The basic standard used to investigate products in this category is ANSI/UL 758, "Appliance Wiring Material." In addition, IEC TS 60695-11-21, "Fire Hazard Testing - Part 11-21: Test Flames - 500 W Vertical Flame Test Method for Tubular Polymeric Materials," may also be used.


Components Recognized under UL's Component Recognition Program are identified by markings consisting of the Recognition Mark of UL (shown below) on the attached tag, the reel, or    the smallest unit container in which the product is packaged.

In addition to the above tag, reel or    container marking, the Recognized Component Mark  may optionally be surface printed on the appliance wiring material. When used, the product name "Appliance Wiring Material" (or    "AWM") will also be surface printed adjacent to the Recognized Component Mark , followed by the Recognized company's identification and/or    file number. If the Recognized company's file number is an element of the surface printing, the Recognized Component Mark  is required to also be surface printed.

The Listing or    Classification Mark of UL is not authorized for use on, or    in connection with, Recognized Components. Only those components that actually bear the "Marking" should be considered as being covered under the Component Recognition Program.



(1)网线/光缆/功率线/火灾报警线/天线:美国UL/加拿大CSA标准: CM/CMR/CMP/FT4/FT6级大型燃烧;

(2)欧洲建筑法规强制指令CPR EN50399标准成束热释放量燃烧,B,C,D,E等级全项测试;

(3)国标GB18380线缆成束燃烧 A, B, C,D级成束燃烧;

(4)英国耐火线缆BS6387和BS8491,GB/T 19666(N,NJ,NS);


(6)橡塑材料UL94/国标GB/T 8815阻燃测试;

( 7)氧指数、卤酸气体、灼热丝、漏电起痕、PH值等测试




安规环保检测: 安全、环保、环境、燃烧、EMC、RF、RoHS、REACH等项目检测;

安规技能培训: 产品安全测试、实验室操作人员培训、安规工程师培训、专业技能培训等

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